column 7 of the hazardous materials table

37 Unless it can be demonstrated by testing that the sensitivity of the substance in its frozen state is no greater than in its liquid state, the substance must remain liquid during normal transport conditions. Tank cars marked HYDROCYANIC ACID prior to October 1, 1991 do not need to be remarked. 41 This material at the Packing Group II hazard criteria level may be transported in Large Packagings. Oxygen cylinders with installed actuating cartridges as prepared for transportation must have an effective means of preventing inadvertent activation. The unintended errors are summarized below. c. Every installed inflation cylinder, as associated equipment of the life-saving appliance, must be packed within the protective packaging of the life raft and the life raft itself must otherwise be in compliance with 173.219. d. The serial number for each cylinder must be recorded as part of the life-saving appliance service record by the U.S. Coast Guard-approved servicing facility. TP3 The maximum degree of filling (in %) for solids transported above their melting points and for elevated temperature liquids shall be determined by the following: Where: df and dr are the mean densities of the liquid at the mean temperature of the liquid during filling and the maximum mean bulk temperature during transport respectively. While columns 8 and 7 of the Hazardous Materials Table are used to determine authorized packaging for most HazMat (more on that in a little bit), some methods of transportation, HazMat quantities, and specific operations rely on other methods. TP38 Each portable tank must be insulated with an insulating material so that the overall thermal conductance at 15.5 C (60 F) is no more than 1.5333 kilojoules per hour per square meter per degree Celsius (0.075 Btu per hour per square foot per degree Fahrenheit) temperature differential. The purpose of this article is to explain the meaning of the coding system for the Special Provisions of column 7 in order to facilitate your review and understanding of them and how they may apply to your shipment of a hazardous material. Others such as copper and silver are available in trace amounts. TP22 Lubricants for portable tank fittings (for example, gaskets, shut-off valves, flanges) must be oxygen compatible. B77 Other packaging are authorized when approved by the Associate Administrator. The article, machinery, or apparatus, if unpackaged, or the packaging in which it is contained shall be marked Dangerous goods in articles or Dangerous goods in machinery or Dangerous goods in apparatus as appropriate, with the identification number UN3363. Column 7 specifies codes for special provisions applicable to hazardous materials. (7) A code containing the letter T refers to a special provision which applies only to transportation in UN or IM Specification portable tanks. When a specific portable tank instruction is specified by a T Code in Column (7) of the 172.101 Table for a specific hazardous material, a specification portable tank conforming to an alternative tank instruction may be used if: (A) The alternative portable tank has a higher or equivalent test pressure (for example, 4 bar when 2.65 bar is specified); (B) The alternative portable tank has greater or equivalent wall thickness (for example, 10 mm when 6 mm is specified); (C) The alternative portable tank has a pressure relief device as specified in the T Code. A212 UN 2031, Nitric acid, other than red fuming, with more than 20% and less than 65% nitric acid intended for use in sterilization devices only, may be transported on passenger aircraft irrespective of the indication of forbidden in columns (9A) of the 172.101 table provided that: a. N82 See 173.115 of this subchapter for classification criteria for flammable aerosols. Further, the limitations and/or additional requirements found in the special provisions of column 7 will supersede the packaging authorizations of column 8 of the Hazardous Materials Table. Shipments must be made by private, leased or contract carrier vehicles under exclusive use of the offeror. In addition, MC 312 and DOT 412 cargo tank motor vehicles must: a. Nickel-carbon asymmetric capacitors containing Class 8 alkaline electrolytes must be transported as UN2795, Batteries, wet, filled with alkali, electric storage. Nickel-metal hydride batteries subject to this special provision are subject only to the following requirements: (1) The batteries must be prepared and packaged for transport in a manner to prevent a dangerous evolution of heat, short circuits, and damage to terminals; and are subject to the incident reporting in accordance with 171.16 of this subchapter if a fire, violent rupture, explosion or dangerous evolution of heat (i.e., an amount of heat sufficient to be dangerous to packaging or personal safety to include charring of packaging, melting of packaging, scorching of packaging, or other evidence) occurs as a direct result of a nickel metal hydride battery; and (2) when loaded in a cargo transport unit in a total quantity of 100 kg gross mass or more, the shipping paper requirements of Subpart C of this part, the manifest requirements of 176.30 of this subchapter, and the vessel stowage requirements assigned to this entry in Column (10) of the 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table. Each IBC may not exceed a maximum net quantity of 1,000 kg: a. B132 Except for transportation by aircraft, UN2813, Water reactive solid, n.o.s. A7 Steel packagings must be corrosion-resistant or have protection against corrosion. When chemical stabilization is employed, the person offering the material for transport shall ensure that the level of stabilization is sufficient to prevent the material as packaged from dangerous polymerization at 50 C (122 F). learn more about the process here. An unused lighter or a lighter that is cleaned of residue and purged of vapors is not subject to the requirements of this subchapter. B131 When transported by highway, rail, or cargo vessel, waste Paint and Paint related material (UN1263; PG II and PG III), when in plastic or metal inner packagings of not more than 26.5 L (7 gallons), are excepted from the marking requirements in 172.301(a) and (c) and the labeling requirements in 172.400(a), when further packed in the following specification and non-specification bulk outer packagings and under the following conditions: a. 369 In the case of non-fissile or fissile-excepted uranium hexafluoride, the material must be classified under UN 2978. Heater pipes must be of welded construction designed for a test pressure of 500 psig. A20 Plastic bags as inner receptacles of combination packagings are not authorized for transportation by aircraft. The vacant space (outage) may be charged with a nonflammable nonliquefied compressed gas if the pressure in the cylinder or sphere at 55 C (130 F) does not exceed 125 percent of the marked service pressure. When a plus sign is assigned to mix- Energy storage capacity means the energy held by a capacitor, as calculated using the nominal voltage and capacitance. In addition, the material also must be covered with an inert gas or the container must be filled with water to the tank's capacity. 66 Formulations of these substances containing not less than 30 percent non-volatile, non-flammable phlegmatizer are not subject to this subchapter. c. Self-propelled vehicles or equipment that also contain an internal combustion engine must be described using the entries Engine, internal combustion, flammable gas powered or Engine, internal combustion, flammable liquid powered or Vehicle, flammable gas powered or Vehicle, flammable liquid powered, as appropriate. The material is also be subject to operational controls which include not exceeding a temperature of 55C (130F) at the time it is offered or during transportation, not exceeding a transportation time of 24 hours, and drivers transporting spent bleaching earth must be trained in the properties and hazards of the spent bleaching earth. Only Specifications MC 304, MC 307 or DOT 407 cargo tank motor vehicles are authorized for transportation by vessel. (1) Numeric provisions. TP8 A portable tank having a minimum test pressure of 1.5 bar (150 kPa) may be used when the flash point of the hazardous material transported is greater than 0 C (32 F). A separate drafting site The official, published CFR, is updated annually and available below under Liquefied compressed gases are assigned to portable tank instruction T50. B80 Each cargo tank must have a minimum design pressure of 276 kPa (40 psig). Compressed air containing greater than 23.5 percent oxygen must be shipped using the description Compressed gas, oxidizing, n.o.s., UN3156.. The tank car specification may be marked to indicate a test pressure of 20.68 Bar (300 psig). TP19 The calculated wall thickness must be increased by 3 mm at the time of construction. 162 This material may be transported under the provisions of Division 4.1 only if it is packed so that at no time during transport will the percentage of diluent fall below the percentage that is stated in the shipping description. Limited propagation means that if one booster near the center of the package is exploded, the aggregate weight of explosives, excluding ignition and delay charges, in this and all additional boosters in the outside packaging that explode may not exceed 25 g. 116 Fuzes, detonating may be classed in Division 1.4 if the fuzes do not contain more than 25 g of explosive per fuze and are made and packaged so that they will not cause functioning of other fuzes, explosives or other explosive devices if one of the fuzes detonates in a shipping packaging or in adjacent packages. Comments or questions about document content can not be answered by OFR staff. When the word Normal is indicated, 178.275(g)(3) of this subchapter does not apply. In addition, for solid materials, special provision B54 applies. We recommend you directly contact the agency responsible for the content in question. The tank car specification may be marked to indicate a test pressure of 13.79 Bar (200 psig). When column 7 of the 172.101 table refers to a special provision for a hazardous material, the meaning and requirements of that provision are as set forth in this section. Non-specification bulk bins are authorized. here. Additionally, the offeror must notify the carrier if the tank pressure rise exceeds 3 psig over any 24-hour period. The portable tank must not be used if the wall thickness is less than that prescribed by the applicable T code in Column (7) of the Table for this material. A101 In addition to the applicable requirements of 173.185, the quantity of lithium metal in the batteries contained in any piece of equipment must not exceed 12 g per cell and 500 g per battery. 23 This material may be transported under the provisions of Division 4.1 only if it is so packed that the percentage of diluent will not fall below that stated in the shipping description at any time during transport. These substances must satisfy the criteria for classification as an ammonium nitrate emulsion of Test Series 8 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part I, Section 18 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter), and may not be classified and transported unless approved by the Associate Administrator. The receptacle must contain no hazardous materials other than the liquid nitrogen which must be fully absorbed in a porous material in the receptacle. A series of notes is used throughout TABLE 1 and TABLE 2 to provide additional information concerning certain hazardous substances. Use the above summary to assist you in reviewing the special provisions applicable to the HazMat you offer for transportation. Organization and Purpose Dry batteries specifically covered by another entry in the 172.101 Table must be transported in accordance with the requirements applicable to that entry. W10 When offered for transportation by vessel, the use of Large Packagings (see 171.8 of this subchapter) is prohibited. The Table: provides the proper shipping name or directs the user to the preferred proper shipping name; The letter codes are placed in front of the number codes (for example, "A29"). Navigate by entering citations or phrases These provisions apply only to non-bulk packagings: N3 Glass inner packagings are permitted in combination or composite packagings only if the hazardous material is free from hydrofluoric acid. B70 If DOT 103ANW tank car tank is used: All cast metal in contact with the lading must have 96.7 percent nickel content; and the lading must be anhydrous and free from any impurities. The suitability for transport in tanks must be demonstrated using test 8(d) in Test Series 8 (see UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part 1, Sub-section 18.7) (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) or an alternative means approved by the Associate Administrator. 346 Nitrogen, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid), UN1977 transported in accordance with the requirements for open cryogenic receptacles in 173.320 and this special provision are not subject to any other requirements of this subchapter. b. Solid substances transported or offered for transport above their melting point are authorized for transportation in portable tanks conforming to the provisions of portable tank instruction T4 for solid substances of packing group III or T7 for solid substances of packing group II, unless a tank with more stringent requirements for minimum shell thickness, maximum allowable working pressure, pressure-relief devices or bottom outlets are assigned in which case the more stringent tank instruction and special provisions shall apply.

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column 7 of the hazardous materials table