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It is also a turn on when their partner knows multiple languages and random wisdom. People with natal mercury retrograde may experience devices glitching on them more & technology problems. Example: Tarot Cards). No matter where Pisces is in your chart, Ive noticed any Pisces placements have really glowy eyes. cancer placement men love to be called daddy while cancer placement women may like names like princess beautiful (observation) + also because cancer prominent men (especially the Venus) like to take the dominant traditional role, Aries placements especially mars may have gotten injured a lot in childhood. They seriously can perfect it. Theyre also very good at tracking when its good to buy certain things. but a lot of people with this placements suffer from a lot of intrusive thoughts. Strong emotions. I dont even know how to explain like yall look wealthy. Mercury in 9 degree can give off very intelligent/knowledgeable vibes to people when they communicate. Or something a lot more serious. Be the witch you were born to be. - Tumblr They may fall into very bad episodes themselves. 7th house ruler in the 8th house. For example a Cancer mars needs to have all their security and comfortable needs met 100% before fueling up Mars energy. Aquarius risings look different & exotic depends on the chart if this manifest as them being made fun or being praised. 4. They may have preferences that arent seen asokay by most people. People with Lilith in 3rd may like using really unique catchphrases. Cancer women placement may like showing off their breast / cleaveage a bit. ( Libra in 7th). Beautiful dreams that are unattainable. (h22) if the Priapus asteroid touches a womans venus it can indicate a lot of men want to love and be with her in a sensual yet sexy way. People with 3rd house stellium may have at least at one point in their life struggle with communication. If you have capricorn mars Im gonna assume you mentally and physically can not live if that project isnt done nicely. Capricorn mars is the most hardworking placement in my opinion. Black Moon Lilith in the 8th house is a very transformative placement. Having Libra and Pisces in your big three makes you too generous to a fault. Please remind your local Virgo rising that they are beautiful and loved. The Badminton Smash - Power Vs Placement - Shuttle Smash Because they do 100%! Leo: Current cultural movements, your mutual adventures, jokes . aquarius in 3rd can have an attractive yet different way of communicating. Uranus in 3rd is a psychic indicator as well, Uranus rules intuition however, native tends to overthink things + add on to things that isnt intuition. (Vedic Astrology + more on my blog<3), Theory I made but also some research behind this), , I noticed a lot of libra placements tend to have had a lot of beautiful stuff, can indicate someone having an interest in multiple, from them. leo venuses tend to be very well liked & popular. Having gemini placements especially the moon tells me you overthink everything and get addicted to everything but you hate routine because your brain gets addicted to anything they find stimulating. I know fire placements are given the reputation of being creative and shit they are, but air placements tend to be incredibly creative too but they may express it through writing the most. Ive noted a lot Of Libras and Virgos are drawn to each other. Women with Lilith in fire signs may attract people (especially feminine figures / women) who try to tone their spontaneous side. Placements that make someone mysterious, different on the inside than outside? , these are the placements in my natal chart that bossyplanets - Tumblr You are caught up in his web when all he does is breathe on you. They have a lot on their minds. do not repost, plagiarize, reword my observations. Having no planets in the 3rd house could indicate youre a really good communicator. Mercury in 1st people have this effect on being whoever you want them to be. People may like you easily, way of communicating. Its not said enough people tend to be VERY curious about these people. Libra moons are the definition of sweethearts and truly try to keep things peaceful and pleasing and theyre the true suckers for aesthetically pleasing things, they wont tell you this but a lot do wear their hearts on their sleeves. Venus in 10th individuals can get their info/ photos usen to catfish & etc, people admire them a lot. Ive noticed a lot of Water risings like the color light blue. Example; Closed the door, but for some reason they convinced themselves they didnt. (Check other placements), Women with Scorpio moons tend to be seen as intimidating and could also make them have very piercing eyes. Earth placements are the type to stay with things for a long time, they are not the type to get the brand new models right away. I commonly see Aquarius placements getting very praised (as you should) but it could even for the smallest things. Air placements tend to love experimenting with things often. Youll never hear bullshit come out of their mouths because they have already planned it out so well. (Placements not just sun) (synastry). Virgo placements / stellium are most likely to isolate themselves instead of seeking for guidance from others when theyre not in their best. Capricorn placements make really attractive models of research because of their body structure. With their intellect, they can play off things well & may even be able to fool people easily. What is it with the Gemini unfaithful stereotype? This planet suggests an outgoing, extroverted, upbeat personality. A lot of people may also ask for their routine in makeup or in general. Because of this there is rumors around their reputation people who wanna try to bring them down, yet it doesnt work.. they have this powerful aura. May meet & be-friend older people online and that could cause karma. Usually there is a catch and tabboo to it. Pisces risings tend to care a lot about aesthetic just how Venusian placements do. Another manifestation is that they attract people who wanna use them for what they have and leave. These people may win on having the last say on things. Ive almost met gemini venuses tend to have some sad story from a crush. A lot of Mars in 4th change locations a lot because of really aggressive reasons. Aries mercury & scorpio mercuries can get along very greatly. they love animals! Ive noticed libra anywhere in the big three indicates dimples. Everyone always talks about Sagittarius and Scorpio placements for being blunt (can be true), but Aquarius placements do not care if you dont agree or like them theyre the true care- frees. Will fight for security that may have been stolen from them. I think its hard to get a, in 3rd can indicate someone who people may think are , what it is theyre learning. Pisces placements tend to loose things and may not be able to find them for a while, the item could be under their bed literally. They may have hard time with with logic vs raw emotions. Leo placements have this influence that makes other feel small this is even more exaggerated if there is pluto & scorpio influence. We like to take . Moon Square Uranus may find their mother very annoying or invading, they could be a bit distant as well. This isnt true though. Ive met a lot of Pisces mercuries who like interacting with fun and unique people, its just an observation but they dont like small talk at all. Libra risings are one of the most helpful individuals, they love to be convenient even though Virgo risings get the reputation of being helpful, I believe Libra risings never hesitate to help anyone in need <3. As the largest planet, Jupiter is also powerful when it comes to money, education, influence, and government. They are not liars. 1 year ago on September 27, 2021 at 4:38 pm. Power & Placement. Do not reword my work. A lot of Astrologers/ Spiritual people tend to have Uranus - North node. People with the Mercury sign of your 12th house may understand you in ways you never thought you could understand yourself. Pisces is another water sign that seems to co-exist in other worlds; they're dreamers and . So many Cancer Mars Ive met are so defensive & have anger problems. Gemini venuses / moon are most likely to think theyve met their twin flame they are the twins and when they get someone that really gets them they start to believe it. Aries: Your drive for success, important people you know, your dream careers. They have a lot of hidden enemies who dont want them to succeed. Having the Sun in the 8th house in composite can indicate the relationship is somewhat hidden and not a lot of people know whats really going on. Protects their heart. They will show the sides of themselves that you yourself are hiding. Ive noticed Moon in Aries individuals at least once in life have gone through a phase of repression and resentment thus isolating themselves a bit, couldve struggle with explosive emotions. They may be someone you talk to for days then they randomly need a lot of alone time then they bounce back. Ive noticed earth signs like to go on walks a lot. Cancer risings in composite can be the one couple everyone is likeOh yeah, theyre definitely having kids they could be seen as long term for family. They usually have very diverse friends: Virgo mercuries may be attracted to Scorpio mercuries. Earth risings just seem designed so carefully. You have natural magnetism that simmers under the surface. Ive noticed mars in virgo can be seen as stubborn these people like their routine & their own stuff. Ex; Capricorn in 11th: Karmic experiences with the internet. Moon likes being in Cancer hence it is very dominant. He inhales it.He exhales it. Sun in 12th makes you very spiritual & old soul. Ive realized a lot of scorpio risings are mistaken as libra, I do think mercury direct is better for a processing mind I have, individuals are very intelligent but in a different way. They may like to sexualize themselves a lot & feel sexy 24/7. Originally posted by brat-savage-deactivated20220916. Note any major aspects. Everyone thought they were so fucking weird yet they were so likeble. They have the talent to be able to fore-see disaster before it happens but they tend to have a very strong energy. People with Moon in 11th could have more of a best friend relationship with their mother. (neptune chat ruler) pisces risings tend to not really know how they look like, to them they look different every time. ex; shooting games (like cod). If very underdeveloped virgo placements can give off pervert vibes. So do Cameron Diaz, Angelina Jolie, and Beyonc, who has an unusual triple conjunction of Venus, Pluto, and the Ascendant an irresistible combination. Do not repost, plagiarize, reword my observations, I dont wanna see this anywhere else. (Theory). Capricorn placements love deep things just like Scorpio placements do, they just understand each other. Sun in 6th tells me that when you finally put boundaries up, no one respects them. (No stereotypes.) capricorn placements love darker aesthetics & maybe even emo aesthetics + darker music, the sexual tension between a prominent scorpio placement and exposing the horrible parts of everyone. Leo risings change their hair a lot. MTBI related but people who are ENTJS tend to have Lilith or/and Pluto prominent in their chart. (The ones who do this for a living or/and big hobby). taurus in 3rd really like to analyze what it is theyre learning. 18 degrees make someone extremely sharp-witted and intelligent. They will teach themselves a whole subject if they have to (If they find it interesting enough, they have so many interests). One thing about Pisces placements is that they attract people who wanna distort them on who they are. Leo Venuses need to stop being so loyal to the wrong people. They may be used for popularity & their love & resources. TAURUS: generally calm and easygoing people, but powerful tempers when they're overly provoked value strength and stability, they are driven by security and an especial fondness for personal possessions slow to arousal, but theirs is an earthy and powerful sensuality GEMINI: scattered and unfocused, easily bored Venus in leo/ mars in leo remember just because your crush liked another girls instagram picture does not mean you are annoying.. If you have mars in 4th im just gonna assume you have deep rooted trauma from home life & the reason you are wayy over protective over anything and yourself. If you wrong a pluto in 10th expect to wake up to your life and identity in crisis. Youll never see a Capricorn placement sticking out their nose where it doesnt belong and I truly admire that. If you have capricorn placements (especially capricorn moon) or/and virgo placements Im just gonna assume you expect the worst case sceneraio 24/7.

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